Thursday 15 November 2007

The Best Mortgage Lead

The Best Mortgage Lead
By Mark Carey

Whether you are selling used automobiles, water purification tablets, encyclopedias door to door or mortgages, a sales person’s next client always begins life in the sales cycle as a sales lead. Wikipedia summarizes a sales lead simply and effectively. “A sales lead is the identity of a person or entity potentially interested in purchasing a product or service, and represents the first stage of a sales process.”

Mortgage brokers and lenders are constantly on the look out for the best mortgage lead, which is often perceived to be a mortgage lead most likely to convert into a mortgage customer. The best mortgage leads often come from marketing lead generation processes such as mortgage lead purchases, direct marketing, advertising, Internet marketing or from sales person prospecting activities such as cold calling.

In Glengarry Glen Ross, the 1992 film written by David Mamet and directed by James Foley, Alec Baldwin’s character Blake presents his sales personnel with the Glengarry leads, referred to as gold due to their high conversion rate. Solid leads of this nature are highly desired, the first significant step in a sales cycle that will end with a sale and satisfied client. Just as Blake’s staff are hungry for the best leads, mortgage brokers and lenders are eager for the best mortgage leads.

As the first stage of the sales process, a solid mortgage lead is a highly treasured commodity. You may be wondering what constitutes the best mortgage lead. The best mortgage lead, of course, is your most recent mortgage lead. There’s no mortgage lead like it.

Mark Carey is an Internet marketer and webmaster of JuicyLeads is a major provider of refinance mortgage leads. For mortgage leads and refinance leads, visit

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